Item wise Discount Amount instead of Percentage

Item wise Discount Amount instead of Percentage | Tally TDL for Discount Amount in Invoice | 2023 Best Free Tally Prime TDL

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If you want to give direct discount in amount not with percentage then use this Item wise Discount Amount instead of Percentage TDL for Tally. Everything possible in Tally through TDL. If you want any invoicing or reports as per your requirement, then can create through TDL (Tally Definition Language).
At the same sometime we need to add discount amount for Items instead of percentage.
With this we can add discount amount for all items at invoicing time.

Item wise Discount Amount instead of Percentage:

In this Tally TDL code we can add some additional fields or we can remove extra fields according to our need, and this will work perfectly with Tally Prime. Best simple tdl code to add item discount as amount in invoice.
        1. Copy below TDL code and make a text file.
        2. Save text file then load in Tally Prime (Method provided below the code)                   
        3. Now go to Sales Voucher for invoicing.
        4. Now we can put amount in the place of discount %.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally . Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use for lifetime. 

This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.
Watch above video to learn :
1. How to add own fields and lines in Tally
2. How to alter Tally field section.
3. And Many More…….
TDL Code : 
[#Field: VCH DiscTitle]
Set as: “Disc Amt”
[#Field: VCH Discount]
Delete: Format
Add: Format: “Nopercent,NoZero”
[#Field: VCHBATCH Discount]
Delete: Format
Add: Format: “Nopercent,NoZero”
[#Field: VCH Value]
Resetval: if (@@NoBaseUnits OR $$IsEmpty:BilledQty) then $$Value else (($Rate * $BilledQty) – $Discount)
1. Copy the code and paste in a Text file.
2. Save the text file into your computer.
3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:UsersHPDesktoprecParty Detail.txt)
4. Open Tally ERP9  OR Tally Prime
5a. Press F12 and goto Product and Features (for Tally ERP9)
5b. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
5. Press F4 (to open a Box)
6. Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
7. Paste The path in blank space
8. Press enter and save 

Now your TDL is ready to use.

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